Brittany Spencer's profile

Louisiana Tech University | graduate school portfolio

Louisiana Tech University | graduate school portfolio

I graduated from Louisiana Tech University in Ruston, Louisiana with my Master of Fine Arts degree with an emphasis in Communication Design in 2014. I was awarded a full teaching scholarship and finished with a GPA of 3.857/4.0.

While attending Louisiana Tech, I first experimented with hand-recycled papermaking and fell in love with the process. I used my handmade paper in conjunction with traditional and contemporary methods such as graphic design, printmaking, and laser-cut technology to create a unique direction for my artwork. Inspired by children and their awe-filled outlook on the world, I hoped that my adult audience would rediscover their childhood and how life can be a joyful, grand adventure.

My 46-page thesis paper centered around the science of imagination and childlike play and the benefits of revisiting these positive foundational elements in adulthood to remember our creative identity, and offset the negative impacts of stress, worry, and anxiety. Whatever made you happy as a child, it is sure to make you happy as an adult.

You may view a copy of my thesis paper entitled "Play" here.


Artist Statement | 2014

We too have been there; we can still hear the sound of the surf, though we shall land no more.  
– Quote from Peter Pan by J.M. Barrie, speaking of Neverland

My work is inspired by the joyful feelings that come from an awe-filled outlook on the world that a child understands and naturally possesses. There is a beauty within such memories, and those experiences are still there to rediscover and savor today. Remember to never forget the rush of flying toward the sky with the help of a swing-set, hiding from monsters underneath bed-sheet forts, that pets are the greatest secret-keepers, and that lightning bugs are fairies in disguise. Today’s culture focuses so much on what a child should learn from adults. My art focuses on the opposite: What can adults relearn from children to better enjoy their daily lives? What magical and fun occurrences are overlooked in this busy, straight-forward world?

To construct my illustrative pieces, hand-recycled paper is transformed into two-dimensional and three-dimensional creations. My work translated through this medium feels profoundly appropriate, as many children first express themselves through art by manipulating a sheet of paper. And like this sheet of paper, childhood is fragile and full of possibilities. The art of papermaking is a messy, tactile process, and calls to mind memories of mud pies and sand castles. To achieve a variety of forms, contemporary methods are utilized such as laser cutting. My intent is for the audience to experience a sense of wonder upon viewing my work, and realize life can once again be a grand adventure.

Play | 2014 graduate thesis show

Photos were graciously taken by Matt Ramsaur & Jaime Johnson Aelavanthara.

Cloud Gazing
Medium: Hand-
recycled 3D paper art installation ↓

Play Pretend, Think Lovely Wonderful Thoughts, Never Grow Old
Medium: Layered laser-cut original typography on hand-
recycled paper  ↓

Spring Leaves
Medium: Laser-cut hand-
recycled paper ↓

Other notable graduate school art pieces

Summer's Day Treat
Medium: Hand-
recycled paper sculpture ↓

Medium: Hand-
recycled paper sculpture ↓

Lovely Encounter
Medium: Digital illustration printed on hand-recycled paper ↓

Weather Girl: Defeat, Melancholy, Exultation
Medium: Lithographic series with watercolor ↓

Mississippi Book
Medium: Hand-bound book, hand-recycled laser-cut paper, original narrative ↓

Childhood Home #1 and Philippians 4:13
Medium: (Left) Hand-recycled collage paper, lithographic print; (Right) Laser-cut hand-recycled paper with plant inclusions and black paper backing ↓

Artist Biography & Papermaking Process | Video

Video was filmed and edited by Matt Ramsaur.

Paradise of Paper Art 2: The World of Dance Paper | published artwork

I was honored to be contacted by DesignerBooks Publishing in China to have four spreads of my undergraduate & graduate school artwork chosen to be published alongside many of my paper artist heroes that I studied. The book was released during summer 2015.

The book may currently be purchased from Amazon (notice my artwork in the second thumbnail), Barnes & Noble, and DesignerBooks. ISBN-13: 9789881378217.

To view more spreads from the book, please see DesignerBook's Behance page.

Louisiana Tech University | graduate school portfolio


Louisiana Tech University | graduate school portfolio
